Monday, August 27, 2007

Drawing Near

"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." James 4:8 (NASB)

Isn't this an odd concept? The One who is already closer than a brother and the One who's presence you cannot flee from (Ps. 139:7) will draw near to me when I draw near to Him. Okay, okay, I get that I'm more open to comprehending that nearness when I actually bother to draw near, but I admit, sometimes I want the complete reverse: if only God would draw near, I'd draw near to Him. In reality, I have to take responsibility in my relationship with God and take the time to draw near. How often does my heart and soul desire to "feel" that closeness, yet how often am I too lazy or distracted to make the ascent?

Ps. 139:8-12 goes on about how God is there even if we try to run far away from Him. I'm amazed that when I've attempted the "Great Escape", I'm more conscious of God's attempt at wooing me back through conviction or the various expressions of His tender heart. However, when I'm not giving Him the time of day (for whatever reason) I'm recognizing my own liability in not experiencing His promise to draw near to me.

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